IU Online is a goldmine
“I wasn't passionate about any of the colleges in my area or online until I found IU,” says Lucy Vogel. “It's among just a handful of accredited four-year college degree programs in the U.S., and it really stood out for its wide selection of classes. I'm a senior majoring in Political Science with a minor in History. It’s important to be able to progress at my own pace. IU Online allows me to do that. It’s also given me experience teaching as a supplemental instructor (SI). I get to learn and teach! I can't imagine anything better.”
Hail to IU East—A real college experience
“I’m so impressed by IU East. It has so many majors and minors. Other schools seem to offer programs in business and computers, but the list peters out after that. IU Online offers a pure academic liberal arts experience you don’t find at other schools.”
You’re not alone
“Some students think online learning is an endless ether. At IU Online you’re not out there in random groups. You work with a community of people—the same students, same professors, same opportunities. Every semester the Writing Center will be there. Your advisor will be there. It’s very much like an on-campus university.”
Respect for IU Online professors
“Online study can get a bad rap for being less credible or challenging. People are afraid online students will get ignored. My IU Online professors are very impressive. They’re true ‘professor-level’ scholars. They know what they’re talking about. They’ve lived whole lives in their fields. They’ve written books. They’re very smart people and they’re amazing to talk with.
“My first semester at IU Online was an eye-opener. English Professor Kelly Blewett was amazing. I felt: If this course is so great, the rest will be just as good. Blewett’s dedication to her students is remarkable. For each essay, she made videos of her comments, explaining them in her own voice. Comments in her voice and tone conveyed the nuance of meaning lost in written comments. She taught me how to write well academically and professionally, and how to teach better.
“Professor Eric Saak at IU Indianapolis is just as impressive. His field is Early Medieval Europe, up to the Reformation. His class on the Reformation was one of the hardest I’ve taken, but I absolutely loved it. Meeting with him and talking with him has been amazing. He’s a wonderful intellectual mentor and also very nice. I told him about my SI experience and he invited me to be his SI in spring 2025.”
Talk to your professors!
“It’s hard to read tone of voice online. So talk to your professors! They want to talk to you. They reply quickly to email. You can schedule office hours or one-on-one zoom discussions. It’s the same concept as in a face-to-face class, but easier. You don’t have to walk anywhere!
“The English Department seems especially open to meeting with you. It’s nice to be able to sit down and delve deeply into what a comment means. You can talk about details, about ideas. That makes your class experience much richer.”
Life as an SI
“I’ve been an SI for more than five semesters. I’ve done English 131 and 270, argumentative writing, criminal justice, and the Reformation in eight-week and 16-week sessions. Unlike teaching assistants, we don’t grade. That removes a lot of pressure and awkwardness with students. Each week we hold three sessions: one for office hours, and two structured sessions, with lesson plans we develop to follow the professor’s syllabus. I’m now a mentor: an SI leader.
“Being an SI has been my most amazing online experience. You meet so many different people–SIs, students, professors. You see people from all walks of life. It’s just terrific.
“You build networks. SIs train together. We talk about what’s working and how to fix what isn’t. Topics like how to adjust as an SI, how to work with professors. How to increase student attendance and engagement. How to design fun icebreakers. This is great preparation for a career in teaching."
Advice to students: Find your own pace
“I’m working on my degree at my own speed. I spend more time as an SI than on my degree. I enjoy the fact that classes aren’t too large. I’ve always had an advisor in my corner who answered my questions.
About 8-week sessions: These are intense—a lot is packed in. You go fast. Classes can be challenging in ways you don’t expect. Especially with upper-level courses you need to be truly immersed to catch the deep learning opportunities. If the class isn’t among your strengths, consider doing it in 16 weeks."
Go to IU Online!
“I didn’t go to college expecting to teach but I enjoy it. I’m sticking with it. I’m also interested in law. I have many options and interests—not sure whether that makes it easier or harder! Grad school is definitely an option.
“At IU Online I’m living a fully academic life. It’s a perfect fit. I love it. When I meet people who don’t know what they want to do, but are taking some online classes, I tell them: You should go to IU Online. They have so many options. Just take a peek! Anything to help my school!”